Friday, November 18, 2016

Quiltmaker's 100 Blocks Blog Tour - Collector's Edition Volume 14

WOW ... my block again selected for Quiltmaker's 100 Blocks Magazine!
This cupcake is sew special ... it is presented on its' own little cake stand!
Get out your Collector's Edition Volume 14, turn to page 33,
and start stitchin' up your own Chocolate-Cherry Cupcake!
You can add all sorts of embellishments to make this cupcake your own.
I used mini rick-rack to give the look of the 'pleats' of the cupcake liner.

Add lace to the top of the cupcake stand... sew pretty!
Be sure to sew the embellishments onto the fabric, before piecing that section into the block.
This way, all raw edges of the embellishments are hidden in the seams.
Add a cute Cherry button to the top ... and you have your own
Chocolate-Cherry Cupcake!
Ohhhh ... I just heard the timer ...
my cupcakes are ready to take out of the oven ... yummmm.  Enjoy!


JoAnne in southern California said... 1

Oh my goodness! Your block is so cute! My daughter-in-law loves to decorate gorgeous cupcakes. I'm going to use your cupcake on some place mats for her for Christmas. So, so cute!

kt said... 2

Cute block! Love your embellishments!

Anonymous said... 3

This would make nice little quilting project for your great niece
My email is
It is nice that you have anonymous for me as I do not blog or have a URL

Pat said... 4

what a cute block. I can envision many uses for it. Thanks

Dana Gaffney said... 5

That is so cute, I love the trims you used.

Nancy Tanner said... 6

such a cute block :) Thanks for the giveaway!

Michele said... 7

What a fun block. I love ric rack-ed blocks!

KathySue said... 8

So fun! Love this block. Your choice of trims are the perfect touch - and your tips great! kathleendotlutzatcomcastdotnet

Anonymous said... 9

Thanks for the block, and the giveaway.
Sue dot quilts at

Jocelyn said... 10

Very cute block. Thanks!

Nancy said... 11

I love this - and it could be embellished so many different ways! I will make one!

darlene said... 12

A sweet treat. Thanks!

JoyceLM said... 13

Cute yummy block. Thanks.

rivercity said... 14

I love the little cupcake stand and the embellished cupcake!

claire said... 15

Congrats on your little cupcake block. It is an obvious winner! So cute, so yummy, so happy!

Anna brown said... 16

Very cute look great on a baby's quilt too..

Rozz01 said... 17

Adorable cupcake block and the rick rack was very innovative.

Unknown said... 18

Love this. I have some antique ric rack from estate sales would be. Great place to use it.

Rebecca said... 19

Yummy looking and of course fat and gluten free~

Loris said... 20

Cute! Cupcakes are the perfect treat...fabric or real :-)

Diantha said... 21

So sweet! I like how you can customize the cupcake.
Congratulations on having your block in the latest issue.

tac73 said... 22

What a fun block to make for a birthday.

tac73 said... 23

What a fun block to make for a birthday.

tac73 said... 24

What a fun block to make for a birthday.

Lee Ann L. said... 25

Seeing this block made me hungry. I realized I hadn't had my mid morning breakfast! LOL. Congrats!

Anonymous said... 26

This block would be great for the wall of a cupcake shop, or in a little girl's quilt.

Pat K

Donna said... 27

What a fun block and you can use such lots of treasures to embellish it.

alaskamarge said... 28

Well, it is early in the morning, certainly not the time to eat a cupcake, but your block got me thinking about them. A fabric on would certainly be less calories and I could enjoy it guilt free. Thanks for sharing your lovely block.

Stitches said... 29

Thanks for sharing your cute block with us..

VA said... 30

This block is so cute--it makes me hungry for cake!

Karen in Breezy Point said... 31

Very cute block--yum!

Joyce Carter said... 32

Your block is really cute. I liked the way you used ric-rac for the pleats on the liner. Thank you for the giveaway.

Rochelle aka Bella Quilts said... 33

I think I need to go "bake" and decorate some cupcakes. That is such a great idea.

~Kris~ said... 34

Very cute. Love the cherries on top.

Quilting Tangent said... 35

Cute cupcake.

BillieBee (billiemick) said... 36

So cute! Wonderful block.

Wanda said... 37

Your block is adorable, a fun block to make. Thanks for the chance to win.

JANET said... 38

You made me hungry for cupcakes! Ymmmmm ndfromsd at gmail. com

Linda E in NM said... 39

It's pushing toward lunchtime, and your cupcake made me hungry!

Elizabeth said... 40

Would never have thought of rick-rack for a block trim. Cool idea--and very yummy looking!


Oh my what a Delicious looking block--want one right now!! with a cup of green tea!!
and love the rick rack idea--thanks-
love and laughter,di

Terri Lyn said... 42

Thanks for the chance to win!!

Allison said... 43

So creative!

Jeanne in Ohio said... 44

I love your imaginative block. So cute!

Hanke said... 45

What a cute Block!

Susan said... 46

Scrumptious block. I can see it in different flavors.

Brenda E. said... 47

Great to put on an apron for a sweet tooth!

Jayne said... 48

Love the idea of a cake.

Karen said... 49

Cute block. I could see many different cupcakes on a quilt.

Danette said... 50

Can't get any better than this quilting and cupcakes! Thank you,

Linda Christianson said... 51

I see icecream and yummy sweet food. The block would make a special wall block in my kitchen, if only I had more walls to display it.

Cecilia said... 52

Cute block! Congratulations on having a block in this issue.

Kathy H said... 53

Such a cute block. Would make a perfect birthday wall hanging.

Unknown said... 54

This cupcake is sooo adorable. Can't wait to seee more blocks from you, Michelle.

Lori said... 55

congratulations. such a fun and cute block.
thanks for the tip.
quilting dash lady at Comcast dot net

Cat Lady said... 56

Love it! Like all the embellishments included in your design.

CyndyK said... 57

What a cute cupcake block! My dog got into our cupcakes the other day and got really sick, although I think he'd do it again if he can reach them on the counter! LOL I think I should make him a cupcake quilt. thanks for the inspiration. cknapp3626(at)sbcglobal(dot)net

Sewgirl said... 58

Such a "sweet" block! One of my favorites!

MaryBeth said... 59

Very cute block. thanks for sharing.

JustPam said... 60

Cute block!

Jenn said... 61

using Ric-rack on the cupcake liner is such a great idea!

Rhonda said... 62

Your block doesn't help with the sugar free diet I have to be on....guess what I'm craving. LOL Your block is great!

Auntie Clark said... 63

This is so cute. Thank you.

Lisa England said... 64

Very cute! The ric rac is a fun addition.

Carol W said... 65


Madeline said... 66

now that is an original block!

cindy m said... 67

What a truly fun block!!
lstangl482 @ aol dot com

Sandi1100 said... 68

Adorable block! Thanks for a chance to win.

kaylace said... 69

The best kind of cupcake--- one that's high in fiber :)

Cute block

wendy said... 70

Cute, and no calories!

Anonymous said... 71

Thanks for the clever block, I have a block of a birthday cake on a stand, but I like your cupcake just as much, but I have to add my own cherry? That's ok. Kathy in snowy Colo repzjratplainsdotnet

CindyD said... 72

I need a block for a fiftieth anniversary wall hanging - could adapt this one.... Thanks!

OhioLori said... 73

What a delightful block..definitely a Yummy one!!! giggle...

Thank you for chance to win your Give-a-way too :D

Bonnie said... 74

What a cute block for a birthday quilt! bhometchko(at)hotmail(dot)com

Karen said... 75

What a yummy block. So cute!

Kaye M said... 76

Love your block and I am a fan of using ric rack on my quilts. It adds a special detail to your design.

CA Bobbie said... 77

Thanks for the giveaway. I've just joined in on the embellishments fo quilt blocks. I've inherited my Mom's many,many buttons & ribbons & lace& etc..... and the abundance screams "use me"

Joanna said... 78

This block must be fun to make. It would look cute on a runner.

apple blossom said... 79

most adorable block

Havplenty said... 80

What an adorable block. I can see this block in some little girls quilt.

tushay3 (at) yahoo (dot) com

Lori Jane said... 81

That block is sew yummy! I thought I just saw the cutest block and then I saw this one. said... 82

Very cute block. Thanks for sharing.

Carol Sc said... 83

Cupcakes have taken over the world of desserts --- how appropriate to have one in a quilt block (and no calories :-) ).

Nancy Sue said... 84

Love your block and it's embellishments. Perfect cupcake. Zero Calories. Zero Gluten. Congrats on your block being included in the issue :)

Anonymous said... 85

What a cute block. It has lots of possibilities. Thanks for the giveaway.

Joyful Quilter said... 86

Yummy block! ;o)

Nancy A: said... 87

Darling block.

Julie S said... 88

Cute block! Wish I could eat a cupcake right now. Chocolate with chocolate icing would hit the spot!

Cheryl Greenleaf said... 89

Tasty block. Thank you for participating in this blog hop giveaway.

Anonymous said... 90

Your cupcake looks so yummy...and the cherry button is perfect on top.

Monica said... 91

I love cupcakes!

GranChris said... 92

Very special and a cherry on top.

Anonymous said... 93

Cute block! Everyone loves cupcakes!

Cat said... 94

What a fun block and you can really go wild if you want since there are so many different kinds of cupcakes out there and lots of different ways to decorate them. Perfect gift for the baker in your like.

Beth said... 95

This is darling. Wouldn't it be perfect for a birthday table topper?

Rachell said... 96

yummy, yummy! cherry chocolate--now i need a hot fudge sundae and make my own cupcakes. i'm a dark chocolate kinda girl.

Ellee said... 97

Great block! Dessert is served! -- soparkaveataoldotcom

Gill said... 98

Sew cute!!

Joni said... 99

Sweet cupcake! This would make an adorable mug rug!

Renata S said... 100

That was a clever block

Bella said... 101

You cupcake block looks so yummy. This would be a blast to do with granddaughters helping to decorate each one.

Dawn F said... 102

I like how you can add embellishments to this block to make it unique!

Martina said... 103

This is such a sweet block!

ChrisDeeCaregeiver said... 104

Oh my gosh your block is too cute.

Judy1522 said... 105

Cute Block.

Bev said... 106

Love it!

Lee said... 107

What a sweet block!! Congrats!

Debbie Lou said... 108

Love your cupcake block! It would be a favorite of my granddaughter. Thanks for the giveaway!

Darlene B said... 109

I love your fat-free block!

Annmarie said... 110

Yummy looking cupcake!

arlette said... 111

Oh myyyyy, I'm so hungry looking your stinking cute cupcake!!!

Deb said... 112

Very nice!!